Transport is a key factor in the development of tourism, as it plays a vital role in moving tourists from their place of residence to their final destination and to various attractions. The transport connects the markets in the tourism-generating regions, to various destinations, and facilitates the internal movement of visitors between the components of the tourist destinations.
Access to relevant data provided by digital services and the promotion of open data policies are necessary conditions for planning multimodal trips. For this reason, the purpose of the project is to provide digital information services on multimodal trips, directing the tourist interest to the national resorts in Romania.

The result of the project is a software application in the OpenGIS system, which uses the ArcGIS software (SPATIAL ANALYST mode), ArcGIS Server and the Python programming language, the software design concept being modular with a menu-based graphical interface so that it is easily accessible to the uninitiated user.
This SMART computer platform (ROSmarTTravel) can be developed as a Smartphone application in the field of tourism, as well as in the field of transport and spatial planning.