Phases > Phase 1
The activities carried out were in accordance with the first stage of the "ROSMARTTRAVEL" project implementation plan, and the main expected result is the definition of the GIS-type IT platform, regarding the evaluation of the cost of multimodal transport to tourist resorts.
Thus, the IT solutions for planning tourist destinations were highlighted, highlighting the chance of transport providers to access new customers, not only regular users with digitization, but also young people who successfully use their smartphone and all travelers, including occasional transport users. public and tourists. The negative effects of the development of transport and tourism were also highlighted.
The IT solutions studied refer both to the use of "Smart Mobility" models using the GTFS format, and to the IT solutions of the raster type continuous surface model.
- A successful model for multimodal transport was presented, using GTFS data ("VINTRA" model - to encourage passengers to use public transport in Lithuania) and a cost area model (MSC) on the evaluation of travel time was developed. travel in Romania;
- An analysis was made of the resorts of tourist and national interest, an analysis that included general data on each tourist resort, in terms of accessibility, population, forms of tourism practiced and existing tourist structures;
- A digital GIS map was developed, at the level of Romania, which includes the tourist resorts of national and local interest;
- The GIS database in Romania was updated, regarding the main transport routes, the route of the new highways, the definition of national roads derived from county roads (according to the legislation) and the definition of the railway network, according to the last Train Run existing on the site. CFR.